Monday, February 21, 2011


So this is pretty much how I feel at 38 Weeks.  "Any day now Matthew... Any Day"

In preparation for Matthew's BIG arrival, Daniel has been working extra extra hard on his school work!  He is taking Family Ministry (how appropriate right?) and Expository Preaching this semester and has a total of 5 BIG projects/papers due this semester.  He is working extremely hard to get all of them finished before Matthew's big day.  He has finished 2 of the projects and has a third one about 80% completed!  Now we now realistically he probably won't finish all of them before next Tuesday, but he will be extremely close!  On the other projects he has, all of the research is finished.  So those are just a matter of sitting down and actually writing the papers and/or sermons. 

Daniel is excited about next week, not only for the fact of Matthew arriving, but family that is coming into town.  Daniel's dad is coming in for the week to be here for the birth of Matthew and to help us out!  It has been since January since we have seen him, and miss him dearly!  Don't fret RBI guys, there will be a game played or two!  lol

Since we have moved back to Alabama, Daniel and I have been trying to find a church home.  My church home was Meridianville COC before we got married.  So to be fair, I agreed to visit other congregations since I am after all partial to M'Ville.  Anyways, Daniel placed his membership with Meridianville this past Sunday, I just renewed mine.  I have always loved Meridianville for the open arms and friendly faces.  I have been gone from that congregation for two years, and when we started going back it was like we never left.  Daniel said in the short couple of visits he had with the congregation it felt like he had attended there since he was a little boy. 

Well until next time everyone!

~~D and A

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