Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Long Overdue Update..... Sorry.

Wow!  I tell you what, this whole surgery thing has really messed me up on blogging!  Ok, so let's catch up on everything that has been going on.

Short List:
1.  Deadlist Catch has started back!  We are all super excited
2.  ~~"I sure hope that was gas, son... Nope that wasn't gas....." -Daniel to Matthew~~ a recurring phrase in our household that NEVER gets old! Lol!
3.  ~~So Matthew keeps hitting himself in the face. And with each hit he cries louder and louder. Am I bad parent to sit back and watch? I mean it's HILARIOUS! Or am I bad parent for not videotaping it?
4.   Matthew's Surgical Follow-up went GREAT!  He is healing up great!
5. Bunco with the Ladies = Great time!

Long List:
Well Hello there Bright Eyes.  Matthew has officially woken up!  Thanks goodness?  lol.  Matthew has turned 1 month old, and as date of this blog, he is 7 weeks and 1 day!  He is starting to recognize voices and putting faces with voices.  He has the biggest grin!  We love it.  We changed his formula from Enfmail to Similac, and he seems to be tolerating it quite well.  Ok, so I lied... he is tolerating it AMAZING!  He has been going through a big growth spurt... How big you might ask?  Well........

White Flag Waves...  So, Matthew is tolerating his formula so well, and is going through such a growth spurt that he is starting to get hungry every 2 hours and would eat 5 ounces still wanting more!  Mommy gave in and gave him the paci.  (I will pause for the "It's about time" or "I told you so")  We were afraid that if we didn't do something to curb his appetite that he would be as big as a house.  He will lose some of that when he starts crawling, walking, etc... but he was 10lb 13 oz 4 1/2 weeks...  But the paci is working great now.  You never know how big your child is until you put them beside someone else.  For example, there is a baby girl at church (Let's call her Baby Purple, because she was wearing purple tonight) that is exactly 1 week younger than Matthew.  When you put Baby Purple beside Matthew, Matthew is twice the size of her.  Crazy uh!  Oh well.  They are both too cute. 

Thank Goodness for Quality Time.  We believe in spending quality time with people that we love.  Daniel and I have had numerous opportunities to catch a full nights rest thanks to my parents and my sister and brother-in-law.  One thing that Daniel and I hope to conitue until our dying day is date night.  We feel that just because you get married, doesn't mean date nights are thrown out the window.  

Sweet Tea Drinking, Back Porch Sittin... The weather is warming up and in my family that means:  Grilling out, Swimming Pool, back porch sittin, domino playing, sweet tea drinking, good time making.  

Mommy Update... Mommy has applied at numerous places, including a place in Franklin, Tennessee.  Yes I said it, Franklin Tennessee.  If I can get this position, then we will be moving..... again.  If I do not get this position, or the 7 other ones I applied for there, then I will be enrolling in the nursing program at Calhoun.  I recently took the TEAS exam and scored high on the overall part. 

 Daddy Update... His blog post to come.............

Blogspot FAIL!!  Ok, so apparently you can only upload so many pictures to Blogspot... Silly uh?  So, we will be uploading pictures, videos, etc at the following address:  Alabama Halo  .    Check it out now... There are some pretty amazing pictures on there.  Be sure to look at the new E-Trade baby commerical, Ashby Style!

Until next time!

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